Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Mommy and Her Me Time

Most mothers, especially mothers with multiple kids are always busy, full of responsibility and are stressed barely make time for themselves. Well, women this has to change! 
We deserve some me time!

For mothers who are not familiar with the term "me time" 
Me time for a mother means when she is free from her the children and is selfish for a period of time. Some time is for a few hours, a day or maybe a weekend. "Me Time" is all yourself and your needs.
Some mothers on her free time still care for the household, for example catching up with chores. This is not me time!
Me time is when the mother is completely selfish.
She pampers herself, hang out with friend, do all she wants that she can't when the kids are around.
She can take this time and be alone, have some quite time, binge any show she desires to watch.
or maybe go on a romantic date.

When I have me time it depends on what mood I am.
Sometimes I am in the mood to get dolled up and have a girls night. Just me getting pretty reminding myself I deserve to be pampered. Just me hanging out , having dinner, drinks and listening to music forgetting for a night of all responsibilities. Just being me and enjoy the world.
Then there's other time that I just want to stay home take long baths, slow music, sip on some wine and just relax... lay in bed to catch up on well needed puzzles or catch up on shows I missed.
These are my "me time". 

I very much enjoy having me time. I believe mothers should make time for themselves. It can help release a lot of stress.  It has helped me keep sane, I'm pretty sure it will help others.

I wonder if there's other mothers out there  who have me time??

Hmm, I guess fathers can have me time too. Especially single fathers. It is not easy being a parent, but we all cope in different ways.

Me time is definitely a must!
Hope mothers out there reading my blog can make time. Give me tips, what are your me time like?

Happy Reading