Monday, February 11, 2019

Fear of rejection


What is rejection to you??

According to google rejection is and idea, or proposal that is refused or declined or dismissed. People have their own interpretation of rejection.

When I hear rejection, I  hear weakness, disappointment, and failure.  

We are all human, therefore are not perfect, but there are people like myself who have trouble being rejected.

I am not referring to being romantically rejected.  I am stating fear of rejection in important aspect of life. 
Rejection from college, rejection from a dream job, being denied from a loan and especially being denied as a person. 
These type of rejection are the the ones that lead to insecurities. They lead to self destruction.

People should not let these feelings get in our head. They need to acknowledge that they are afraid. People have to overcome these fears to be able to live free.  Instead of accepting is situation as being rejected, people should take embrace the rejection as a lesson. Take it as in receiving another opportunity  to try again, with rejection people can actually learn and grow. 

I wish I can take my own advise, I am still trying to figure it all out myself...just one day at the time.

what are your opinions??

Happy Reading!!